Introduction to web and HTML

Introduction to web and HTML


4 min read

What is the web?

The web (also known as the World Wide Web) is an application built on top of the Internet. That means a system through which web application makes accessible. The application (websites) are stored in a web server and connected to the local computer through the Internet. In Web systems, several components help to work. HTML (hypertext markup language) is the common format for web documents the browser understands. HTTP makes communication between the server and client (user) to access the web client has UDI(Universal Document Identifier) that are URL (uniform resource locator) or URI (uniform resource identifier)

What is a server?

The server is a computer that is connected to the internet or we can say shared on the network and stores data, Applications (like webpages, sites, or apps) and makes them available when the client (web user's internet-connected devices) requires/requests them.

There are several protocols to access the servers

Here we have an HTTP server so, it understands only URLs (web addresses) when your browser sends a request to the web server, it needs URLs, and then it downloads from the server to the client’s computer and then views webpages using the HTTP protocol in a web browser. There is several web server like apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, and many more.

Why we need web servers.

To make our Application more available (if our Application is on the local computer, it is not up and running all the time.)
If we store our application on web servers, it gives us a fixed path (IP address) so anyone can easily access it.

What is Apache?

It is an application that allows us to connect to the server over every user request and deliver the response. It is like a middleman between the client machines and servers. Apache is open-source and free software that is highly customizable and module-based structure that gives web server services. It includes modules for caching, security, password authentication, URL rewriting, and other purposes. Also, we can set up our configuration of the server with the help of a file known as .htaccess. It is a supported configuration file of Apache.

What is a live server?

The live server is an editor Web extension that helps us to load automatically webpages it also keeps the track of most recent changes that it made in the file.



HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a markup language that decides the appearance(content and structure) of the websites.HTML have several tags through which it structures the webpages and the tags are surrounded by an angular bracket (“<” “>”).

HTML tags.

<!DOCTYPE html> The very first line that you see in the HTML file, This means the file that will be serving is a type of HTML

<html></html> this tag shows the HTML document started from here, and all the content with tags are present inside this tag.

<head></head> Head tag contains meta information about webpages that is not visible on a webpage some of the information is present like the title means page name. Information like in which language it is written (like English, Japanese), character set, viewport, and so on.

Above mention, all the information is present in <meta> tag

<title></title> tag is present in the head part of the HTML document and it is used to give the title of the web page.


<body></body> tag contains the main content of the webpage. That is displayed also on the web browser.

Heading tags are used to display text in bold format for headings or subheadings on a webpage. There are six types of heading tag i.e


heading tag.png

<p></p> A paragraph tag is used to write a paragraph on the webpage.

<img></img> The image tag is used to embed images on a webpage. It has multiple attributes like src – In this attribute, we give the source path of the image file. alt – if the path of the image is incorrect for that we give an alternate text that will be present on a webpage. Width – in this attribute we give the width of an image. Height – in this attribute we give the height of an image.

<img src="./img/image.jpg" alt="Image" width="100px">